
So you know

It's nowhere near all joy and roses for this old writer gal.

I received this in today's mail -- one of the more creative rejection letters, I must say, that it has been my displeasure to read.


All part of seeking to do.

See you for a real post around this weekend.

P.S. Tom Hanks helped me recover after I received a rejection a year ago. I wrote about it here.


You got me

Not a post, though, really.
A commercial.
I get mentioned here for being published in this forthcoming anthology.


Nah, BloPoMo; Cheerio!

I think my brain's iced over, and our temperatures haven't yet dipped below freezing.

Actually, for the writing I'm trying to do (sorry about my broken-recordness) the mind-gears seem to turn okay. I read an author interview where the woman (a memoir writer, yes!) stated she operates by writing, then editing, then reworking and rewriting until the words are, in her mind, like over-chewed chewing gum. That expresses how I experience working. It takes large time quantities. I've likened it to trying to get all the toothpaste from the tube: squeezing from bottom, pressing more out the top, going back down and smoothing... Anyway.

This approach doesn't well suit blogging. I love blogging. But I didn't commit to this month's opportunity to do it daily. In fact, because of many projects in my world, including a reorganization of my bedroom so I can listen to favorite music before slumber, I've decided to be antithetical. I'm committing not to post here again until the last day of November. We'll see if I make it.

Along the way, I plan to read daily posts by Cecily, Sandy, and maybe others whose NaBloPoMo ambitions have newly sprung. I'll cheer you hardy souls onward whenever I can, and I'll enjoy your humor and ingenuity. Go for it, true bloggers!

I leave you with my clever hubby in his Halloween costume. Can you read his mind?

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New Playroom

I've been consumed for a few years by care for my parents, so writing has fallen by the wayside. In and for my heart, this has become a ...