
a moment

Tim took this photo. He is forever snagging phone pictures on the run.

That is me in the background. Not on the run; rather leaning, accepting solace from the sturdy wall. My trusty camera hangs around my neck.

I forever anticipate the opportune moment. I nearly give up on plumbing that moment with care, but I can't help returning to the idea that someday I will.

My limitations grant me observations of the people and situations flowing past so frustratingly quickly, and yet they are brimming. Charm and depth, stress and enlightenment. Sorrow accompanied by tender joy.

This is where I discover the highest good, where if I accept my truest limits, I glimpse (from people like the dear man zipping by me taking pictures) the absolute limit. So the phrase goes. Yet I will edit this to say I glimpse the absolute, which will forever be the greatest, which is love.

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