Right now the thought of slipping into a life of Orthodoxy is looking rather da-newish. Only, I'm the butter knife who will discover how the texture suits me as I go. Yesterday Tim and I talked to Father David in his office. We arrived a while before "6th Hour," which is a short service at noon. Father David said I should feel free to hang around St. John's as much as I want.
From a Jewish family, David was, years ago, training to be a rabbi when he converted to Christianity. Hints of his story spark my wordy instincts. I appreciate that he spoke a little more about himself yesterday, along with explaining reasons behind some Orthodox practices.
Sunday morning there will be a brief ceremony in which I'll be dubbed a catechumen, or, "a person undertaking instruction in religious beliefs, usually before Christian baptism."
In line with my household's fun-with-words penchant, this morning seeing Tim in the kitchen I bounced up to him, saying, "I'm going to become a cataclysmic!" which made him pause a moment.
His response: "That goes without saying."
oh, I love this , Deanna.
I was so overwhelmed when I took the classes , was confirmed and converted to the Catholic faith that my husband and his family live.
I still am.
peace be with you.
Yes, Deb, overwhelmed some of the time, indeed. Right now happy to have stopped resisting what's been happening with Tim. He is happy, and the faith, though more complicated in practice (way more than I would normally go for), is the same belief. Same God, different channel, perhaps? :o)
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