Forty minutes later, the Tracfone lady who clearly understands a limited number of English phrases and I were still trying to correct the problem. I repeated a third time to her that I had to go now and start work, and she said, "Oh, I see," and went through the hours they're available and what number to call back and then corrected herself on how many days a week they're open.
I considered huffing and giving her a taste of America -- I don't deserve this treatment, you less-than-capable foreigner.
I would love to tell you I refrained because I've been in a joyful space lately inside my soul.
Frankly, I knew simply following the Tracfone lady's script along with her would get us done quicker.
Sometimes lately, though, the space inside this me has carried a reminder of a lighter, truer knowing than the too-often sense that I am right, I am deserving, misunderstood, or superior.
Pride and I can be such buddies.
Yes, Daddy, I believe.
Today, in light of the coming reminder of the one anointed by spirit and truth who took the punishment I deserve, in a humble office on the phone to across the globe, it's not important that I don't get what I might be entitled to from the Tracfone lady.
I thought a lot and wrote down some stuff too. But more often than not--me and pride have an ongoing relationship.
Happy Easter, Deanna! Have a wonderful day. :)
Thanks, Jodi; you and I are charged with thinking and writing stuff down, I think. Happy Easter to you, too.
This is off-topic, but I wondered if your banner photo is from a local scene? It's beautiful.
Yes, Beth, I took that picture on a trail to Four-in-one-Cone in the nearby Cascades, in 2005. My (then 15-year-old) son was ahead of me on the trail. He still remembers exactly which mountain is which.
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