
yes, I will write an update...

Because I drove west toward home today on 5th, between Pearl and Polk, and the last few blocks in this dear city's Whiteaker neighborhood were framed by maple and oak, walnut and cherry blossom (now nearly all leafy, the pink like hard candy sucked very small). This frame of trees in late afternoon sun made the street a path of beauty.

Because I have come to love a cat, for the first time since I was 13, when our Siamese, Delish, would wait on my bed for me to arrive after seventh grade classes with carnage in my heart, due to one bully and many awkward pauses, glances, and movements, made only slightly bearable by practicing my flute and reading, reading, reading. Anyway, Delish always rose to hug me and to purr in a language that assured me all would work out, junior high would one day evaporate, and I could discover The Lord of the Rings and recognize beauty in other agonizing struggles. These days Clover hugs me, too.

Because this cat I have presently grown fond of has quickly become the owner of our property, inside and outside. I love Clover even despite her penchant for catching garter snakes (maybe there's something spiritual in her need to remove serpents?) and depositing them alive inside, so they dive under the refrigerator or behind Tim's video shelf (maybe the places serpents hide should tell us something?).

Because we visited our daughter and her family in Princeton in February, came home to mountains of snow, and shared inside jokes over the phone with Edmund the week after we'd seen him (I especially loved that he quoted Darth Vader to Granddad Tim: "I have you now"). We have you, too, Ed, in our psyches, as well as the sweet brother your parents are hoping to adopt, in a long process over the months to come.

Because I'm working again part-time since late January at Windows, and a lot is second nature now, and I can even look forward to phone calls from Mr. A. and Mr. M., one of whom asks about obscure titles and one of whom changes his order every day or so but seems to enjoy hearing a cheerful voice on his line's other end.

 Because the front maple's crimson leaves were birthed again, a bit later this spring after snow, and now they're inhaling and reaching their prime as always, while the verdant grass makes its bid to take over before Tim can mow his pathways, and just this week the backyard poppies began popping.

Because I am involved in the lives of young Orthodox people, some learning ancient music and complex rubrics of services, some asking questions and getting married and teaching me more of what it means to come of age in a world packed with knowledge and despairing of true connection. We meet in a moment where no one is older or younger, or hidden or outside or monster or angel, but all can be recognized over long ages to come, where the doubts and holding back these days are part of a process, and there are cheerful voices to connect with on the other end.


gz said...

A full life,and happy....all that and a cat too!

Dee said...

Dear Deanna, to live in gratitude, as you write here of that for which you are grateful, is to live contented with life. Contented at the deep center of the ocean of yourself no matter what waves or storm batter the surface.

I so liked this line, which I think is true: "We meet in a moment where no one is older or younger, or hidden or outside or monster or angel, but all can be recognized over long ages to come, . . . "

By the way, Clover reminds me so much of Dulcy--the cat with whom I lived for 17 1/2 years and who gave me the book "A Cat's Life: Dulcy's Story." Her giving me that book led to my realization that writing was my passion and my other books all stem from that first one.

Peace, ever and always.

deanna said...

Thank you, both, for these comments! I'm not able to spend time at the blogging craft much...but thoughts do arrive at work and amid lots of life happening story-ly.

Dee, I have thought about Dulcy as I spend time with Clover. It's nice to know this post makes you think of her. My parents had a female cat like this, named Clover, early in their marriage. I wanted to honor that kitty with the same name. :)

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