
Scintillating Night Life

Tim and I attended the company holiday dinner and got our picture taken.

The two free drinks hadn’t quite relaxed us yet. As the evening progressed we had more fun. One of Tim’s co-workers stopped by to shoot the breeze regarding Dr. Who. A friend of hers in England got her interested in the updated series, and in a BBC spinoff, Torchwood. We all agreed Torchwood’s plots are rougher and raunchier than the Doctor’s adventures.

From there, Tim and I had the round table to ourselves. The other TV station people and their spouses/partners/dates grouped in corners, laughing as they spread garlic butter on warm bread. I leaned against Tim’s arm, more content than I have been other years.

I am shy; Timothy is ever-willing to describe his engineering feats up at transmitter sites in painstaking technical detail. The station people love him, though. I’ve heard different ones remark how honest and moral he is. Come to think of it, they love us, in a sense. The couple still together since forever. We’re predictable. We drink our free drinks once a year. I smile. Tim offers great puns. And they don’t have to take more of us than they want to.

After a while and before dinner orders were made, the station’s intern receptionist arrived with her University roommate and sat across from us. The two of them ordered and ate like only students can. It was fun to watch them enjoy the spread. Then came the gift exchange. People received hot-dog makers, winding flashlights, bottles of wine.

Tim’s boss stood up before the end to ask for stories, from the past year or before. Several employees have been with the company since the beginning, almost 20 years now. They took turns remembering good times and crazy stunts.

Tim stood to share a bit about switching to the new, digital transmitter. I chuckled when someone called, “Make it a short one, Tim.” The words carried the same affectionate tone another of his fellows had used, saying to me before dinner, “We get to have Tim the other half of his life.”

Here’s the T-shirt I want for Christmas:


Anonymous said...

Hmmm......lovely face......dunno 'bout that, BUT, you do know me.

That picture of you and Tim at the table is so cute.

We heart your Geek, too.

I try leaving comments using my blogger account but can't get it to work. No doubt my bad. ;-)j

deanna said...

I hope my using blogger beta isn't the problem. I just switched to that.

So, you have a blogger account? I assume that means you have a blog, and if so I'd love to see it. Either print the address here or I'll get it from you when next I see your lovely face.

Cherie said...

I'm trying a different browser to see if I can comment normally.

If so, be not alarmed, this is only - a test.


Cherie said...


You are in for it now - comments galore.

Merry Christmas, Deanna!

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