
Lesson for today

Write till your eyes fall out.

Then stick them back in your head and go clean the kitchen for a while.

(Also, dream that overlooking the coastline, dramatic, in a Kierkegaard t-shirt will make you more literary.)


teal! said...

This is such an excellent author type picture - very dramatic (esp. how your hair is blown in the wind!)
it should totally be your author photo....

deanna said...

Thanks, Teal. I was thinking the hair looks a bit Bride of Frankenstein-ish. But it's a great memory, at least, of a fun day out with Tim (who took the photo).

ruth at comfort cafe said...

Hi Deanna,

It's fun to look "re-discover" your blog! Now if only wearing a certain t-shirt could magically create inspiration in us!


deanna said...

Ruth, thanks for looking in. You're someone who finds inspiration in good places. :o)

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